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In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolo… Mehr

Autor: Pohl-Patalong, Uta

Verlag: Kohlhammer

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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In recent years, the ?Bibliolog= approach has become increasingly important in schools. Religious education teachers have reported that with Bibliolog, it is much easier to cope with one of the greatest challenges in the teaching of religion today & dramatizing an encounter with the Christian tradition in an interesting and true-to-life way and stimulating independent discussion. This method also offers considerable opportunities in religiously heterogeneous groups. The basic elements of the approach are presented comprehensively in the books Bibliolog 1 (Basic Forms) and Bibliolog 2 (Structure). The present volume addresses specific conditions in the school setting and provides specific educational aids for working with Bibliolog in religious education.

Produktnummer 97831703113502
EAN 9783170311350
Verlag Kohlhammer
Autor Pohl-Patalong, Uta
Produktform Softcover
Sprachen Deutsch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 16.04.2019
Seiten 168
Maße Breite 155 mm x Höhe 13 mm
Gewicht 0.26 kg