Christian Werner - Stillleben BRD
The photographer Christian Werner has long been interested in the history of the old Federal Republic of Germany, “this country that no longer exists… Mehr
Autor: Deiss, Amely
Verlag: Kerber Verlag
15,99 €*
35,00 € (54.31% gespart)Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
The photographer Christian Werner has long been interested in the history of the old Federal Republic of Germany, “this country that no longer exists, but has left its mark on us all.” His latest object of study is the house of a deceased eighty-year-old. Through his camera he approaches the individual, yet collective memory of a familiar type of interior from a typically provincial, post-war life in West Germany. The melancholy, beautiful series comprises around one hundred photographs stamped with Werner’s inimitable, clear gaze, and is presented in a catalogue and exhibition at the Kunstpalais. Authors from various disciplines supplement the photographs with textual miniatures.
Produktnummer | 97837356020392 |
EAN | 9783735602039 |
Verlag | Kerber Verlag |
Autor | Deiss, Amely |
Produktform | Hardcover |
Sprachen | Deutsch |
Auflage | 1 |
Erscheinungsdatum | 01.2016 |
Seiten | 186 |
Maße | Breite 200 mm x Höhe 22 mm |
Gewicht | 0.98 kg |