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DeLee & Drez's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: 2-Volume Set

The revised, streamlined, and reorganized DeLee DrezÂ’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine continues to be your must-have orthopaedics reference, covering… Mehr

Verlag: k.a.

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

139,99 €*

285,68 € (51% gespart)


The revised, streamlined, and reorganized DeLee DrezÂ’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine continues to be your must-have orthopaedics reference, covering the surgical, medical, and rehabilitation/injury prevention topics related to athletic injuries and chronic conditions. Offered as a 2-volume set, it provides the most clinically focused, comprehensive guidance available in any single source, with contributions from the most respected authorities in the field.

"A truly comprehensive and excellent Sports Medicine text that I believe will be useful to all practicing sport physicians.... provides the rigor and detail that is extremely useful when managing complex and demanding patients. The new electronic format only increases its utility." Reviewed by Prof Mark E Batt, Consultant Sports Exercise Medicine, Nottingham University Hospitals March 2015

  • Be prepared to handle the full range of clinical challenges with coverage of both pediatric and aging athletes; important non-orthopaedic conditions involved in the management of the athlete; rapidly evolving techniques; and sports-related fractures.
  • Understand rehabilitation and other therapeutic modalities in the context of return to play.
  • Take advantage of in-depth coverage of arthroscopic techniques, including ACL reconstruction, allograft cartilage transplantation, rotator cuff repair, and complications in athletes, as well as injury prevention, nutrition, pharmacology, and psychology in sports.
  • Equip yourself with the most current information surrounding hot topics such as hip pain in the athlete, hip arthroscopy, concussions, and medical management of the athlete.
  • Remain at the forefront of the field with content thataddresses the latest changes in orthopaedics, including advances in sports medicine community knowledge, evidence-based medicine, ultrasound-guided injections, biologic therapies, and principles of injury prevention.
  • Enhance your understanding with fully updated figures throughout.
  • Take a global view of orthopaedic sports medicine with the addition of two new international section editors and supplemental international content.
  • Access even more expert content in new "Author’s Preferred Technique" sections.
  • Find the information you need more quickly with this completely reorganized text.
  • View the entire contents or purchase individual chapter sections online at Expert Consult.

Produktnummer 97814557437662
EAN 9781455743766
Verlag k.a.
Produktform Softcover
Sprachen Englisch
Maße Breite 242 mm x Höhe 77 mm
Gewicht 5.443 kg