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Dictionary of Drives and Mechatronics/ Wörterbuch Antriebstechnik und Mechatronik

The dictionary offers a comprehensive collection of terms for the areas of drive systems, automation, mechatronics, and related fields, e.g. field bu… Mehr

Autor: Antoni, Thomas


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The dictionary offers a comprehensive collection of terms for the areas of drive systems, automation, mechatronics, and related fields, e.g. field bus technology and electrical machines. For this edition, the number of entries has been enlarged by more than 20 percent, resulting in a total of nearly 74,000 entries with 145,000 translations. The large number of comments and well-conceived order of translations for each entry make this dictionary especially user-friendly.

Produktnummer 97838957828312
EAN 9783895782831
Autor Antoni, Thomas
Produktform CD-ROM
Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch
Auflage 3
Erscheinungsdatum 04.06.2008
Maße Breite 126 mm x Höhe 8 mm
Gewicht 0.059 kg