Frauen in kirchlichen Ämtern
What are the chances and limits for women in church ministries or offices? From multiple perspectives this volume explores approaches to women ordina… Mehr
Autor: Eckholt, Margit
Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
9,99 €*
35,00 € (71.46% gespart)Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
What are the chances and limits for women in church ministries or offices? From multiple perspectives this volume explores approaches to women ordination in the past and presence. It takes an ecumenical stance displaying great awareness to the different paths which the Churches have taken in the last centuries. By doing so, the volume opens up and fosters important discussions.
Produktnummer | 97835255708522 |
EAN | 9783525570852 |
Verlag | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht |
Autor | Eckholt, Margit |
Produktform | Hardcover |
Sprachen | Deutsch |
Erscheinungsdatum | 17.09.2018 |
Seiten | 496 |
Maße | Breite 138 mm x Höhe 39 mm |
Gewicht | 0.7 kg |