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Good Owners, Great Dogs: A Training Manual for Humans and their Canine Companions

Instead of Going Out of Your Mind, Get into His. The only American to study and work with the renowned Barbara Woodhouse, Brian Kilcommons solves al… Mehr

Autor: Kilcommons, Brian

Verlag: k.a.

Zustand: NEU (Preisbindung aufgehoben)

9,99 €*

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Instead of Going Out of Your Mind, Get into His. The only American to study and work with the renowned Barbara Woodhouse, Brian Kilcommons solves all those "bad dog" problems that drive owners crazy-and shows you how to raise a puppy into a happy, perfectly behaved dog. The trick is to understand how dogs think, read their body language, and, with the secrets Kilcommons shares in this book, be "fun, fair, and firm." A dog-training guide that gives you immediate results even with an adult dog, this manual trains you, as it gives owners everything they need and everything dogs need to become... Good Owners, Great Dogs Includes specific tips on how to: * housebreak both puppies and adult dogs * teach your dog to come to you regardless of what he's doing * end annoying habits like jumping, food stealing, and barking * prevent aggression and, in many cases, stop it after it has become a problem * use games to teach your dog to obey ...and much more.

Produktnummer 97804466753831
EAN 9780446675383
Verlag k.a.
Autor Kilcommons, Brian
Produktform Softcover
Sprachen Englisch
Maße Breite 189 mm x Höhe 22 mm
Gewicht 0.579 kg