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In ein Mühlwerk geworfen

The book gives a concise insight into the motifs and peculiarities of autobiographical writing in the 1790’s. We know of many self-representations by… Mehr

Autor: Meier, Franziska

Verlag: V&R unipress

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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The book gives a concise insight into the motifs and peculiarities of autobiographical writing in the 1790’s. We know of many self-representations by sympathizers and adversaries of the French Revolution alike, but these are only the tip of an iceberg. It is striking that throughout the decade any attempt to speak of oneself is deeply interwoven with the desire to reflect upon the Revolution. However, beneath the usual ideological position-taking, whether pro or contra the Revolution, the autobiographical writers deal with a new way of living history as an irresistible and irrevocable movement which not only renders the recently emancipated self powerless, but conversely provides the spur to metaphorically take up arms and, in doing so, resist.

Produktnummer 97838471046122
EAN 9783847104612
Verlag V&R unipress
Autor Meier, Franziska
Produktform Hardcover
Sprachen Deutsch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 15.02.2016
Seiten 287
Maße Breite 160 mm x Höhe 20 mm
Gewicht 0.6 kg