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Main Battle Tank Leopard 2

The Leopard 2A6, as it is currently in service in Ukraine, is regarded as the international benchmark for a modern weapon system and the best main ba… Mehr

Autor: Schneider, Wolfgang

Verlag: Motorbuch Verlag

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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The Leopard 2A6, as it is currently in service in Ukraine, is regarded as the international benchmark for a modern weapon system and the best main battle tank worldwide. With its 1500 HP, manoeuvrability, fire control technology and, last but not least, its armour, it is regarded as an insurance policy for the survival of its crew. Nevertheless, it is not indestructible. But almost all crew members survived, and that's what counts. But what made the 60-tonne "Leopard", which travelled at speeds of up to 70 km/h, so special? In this comprehensive monograph, Wolfgang Schneider presents all versions of this main battle tank.

Produktnummer 97836130470752
EAN 9783613047075
Verlag Motorbuch Verlag
Autor Schneider, Wolfgang
Produktform Hardcover
Sprachen Englisch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 28.05.2024
Seiten 216
Maße Breite 238 mm x Höhe 19 mm
Gewicht 1.13 kg