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Metaphors in the Prophetic Literature of the Hebrew Bible and Beyond

This collection of articles is tightly focused on metaphors in the prophetic literature of the Hebrew Bible and their later afterlife in Jewish and C… Mehr

Autor: Tiemeyer, Lena-Sofia

Verlag: Brill | Schöningh

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

77,99 €*

129,00 € (39.54% gespart)

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage


This collection of articles is tightly focused on metaphors in the prophetic literature of the Hebrew Bible and their later afterlife in Jewish and Christian texts. The essays deal with a wide range of historical, literary, and methodological issues. First, several contributions employ metaphor theory in analysing the biblical texts, both conceptual frameworks such as blending theory and more traditional methods. Second, metaphors are studied both synchronically, that is, in relation to their current literary contexts, and diachronically, that is, mapping how they have been employed and re-interpreted in different ways and different texts throughout time. Third, other contributions read metaphors in light of theoretical frameworks such as feminist criticism, post-colonial theories, or power discourses that uncover aspects of significance often missed in historical studies. Finally, yet other contributions deal with the issue of how to translate metaphors in contemporary contexts.

Produktnummer 97835067939662
EAN 9783506793966
Verlag Brill | Schöningh
Autor Tiemeyer, Lena-Sofia
Produktform Hardcover
Sprachen Englisch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 01.12.2023
Seiten 367
Maße Breite 164 mm x Höhe 34 mm
Gewicht 0.789 kg