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Vendée Globe 2020.2021

Vendée Globe 2020/2021: First Japanese circumnavigates the world in the non-stop sailing regatta It's a challenge on every conceivable level - techno… Mehr

Autor: Rieker, Jochen

Verlag: Delius Klasing

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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29,90 € (96.69% gespart)

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Vendée Globe 2020/2021: First Japanese circumnavigates the world in the non-stop sailing regatta

It's a challenge on every conceivable level - technological, tactical, athletic, mental. Yet it sounds so simple: alone, without outside help, without a stopover, driven solely by wind and will, around the globe.

The Vendée Globe is to sailors what Mount Everest is to mountaineers and the Ironman is to triathletes: the ultimate pinnacle of their sport! The first Japanese Vendée Globe starter Kojiro Shiraishi passed the challenge in the 2020/2021 sailing race with flying colors after a dramatic sail repair shortly after the start. In a gripping battle with the elements, he proved his skills impressively. His precision-built high-tech yacht DMG MORI Global One reliably carried the first Japanese participant in the Vendée Globe through storms, waves as big as houses, and icy dangers in the Southern Ocean. With his adventure, Kojiro Shiraishi thrilled millions of fans in Japan and all over the world.

• Everything about the first Japanese participant of the Vendée globe: Kojiro Shiraishi
• Impressive pictures from the toughest regatta in the world
• The Vendée Globe adventure in one opulent 160-page text/picture book

Kojiro Shiraishi's great success in the world's toughest regatta race

This book deals with Kojiro Shiraishi's journey, his success, his adventures over the nearly 54,000 kilometers he has travelled non-stop aboard the DMG MORI Global One. He is the first Asian in the regatta’s more than 30-year history to join the exclusive circle of finishers.

Produktnummer 97836671219122
EAN 9783667121912
Verlag Delius Klasing
Autor Rieker, Jochen
Produktform Hardcover
Sprachen Englisch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 16.08.2021
Seiten 162
Maße Breite 256 mm x Höhe 22 mm
Gewicht 1.23 kg