Carving a Way Through Rock and IceOften, journeys are as important as the destination. Even those who set out without a destination will not find the… Mehr
Autor: Papert, Ines
Verlag: Delius Klasing
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Carving a Way Through Rock and IceOften, journeys are as important as the destination. Even those who set out without a destination will not find their way with ease. To some extent, the destination determines the path you must take, it’s hard to get to an oasis without crossing the desert, rarely can you reach an island on foot. To stand on top of a mountain, it must be climbed. Here though, there is the choice: follow the beaten track or go straight up the face.‘Vertical’ offers breathtaking pictures and inspiring text from the steepest rock and ice faces in the world. Within its pages, you’ll discover the world of extreme mountaineer, Ines Papert. As daring as her climbing expeditions are, she is no reckless daredevil, but rather a woman who has the measure of her limits. She has an innate ability to assess what she can and can’t conquer. It is dizzying to see her climb, at the same time being able to admire the incomparable views of the unyielding rocks and majestic glaciers of the formidable high mountains she scales. This book is not about the peace and tranquillity of mountains, but about pure adventure.
Produktnummer | 97837688356192 |
EAN | 9783768835619 |
Verlag | Delius Klasing |
Autor | Papert, Ines |
Produktform | Buch |
Sprachen | Englisch |
Erscheinungsdatum | 15.10.2012 |
Seiten | 160 |
Maße | Breite 274 mm x Höhe 16 mm |
Gewicht | 1.52 kg |