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A Forceful and Fruitful Verse

“Be fruitful and multiply” is a verse with a storied history. Whether in theology or natural law, this much-debated verse’s explosive potential had g… Mehr

Autor: Klawitter, Brandt C.

Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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“Be fruitful and multiply” is a verse with a storied history. Whether in theology or natural law, this much-debated verse’s explosive potential had gone largely dormant prior to the Reformation. For Luther, however, in the context of the debate surrounding monastic vows, this verse would once again take on new life. Fueled by the contributions of his fellow reformers – especially with regard to the normative nature of man’s sexuality – a powerful new understanding of this verse emerged. This new understanding, a synthesis of Luther’s own scriptural understanding coupled with powerful natural-philosophical insight from Melanchthon, would go on to play a significant role as former celibates abandoned their vows. It would also offer normative shape to the contours of Reformation marriage even as it took its place in such important works as the Augsburg Confession and Melanchthon’s Apology.

Produktnummer 97835255735012
EAN 9783525573501
Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Autor Klawitter, Brandt C.
Produktform Hardcover
Sprachen Englisch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 13.02.2023
Seiten 285
Maße Breite 163 mm x Höhe 24 mm
Gewicht 0.6 kg