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Basiswissen Verschwörungsmythen

From Corona denial, to Pizzagate and QAnon, to the Jewish world conspiracy & conspiracy myths are experiencing a boom. Providing seductive answer… Mehr

Autor: Schubarth, Wilfried

Verlag: Kohlhammer

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

17,99 €*

29,00 € (37.97% gespart)

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage


From Corona denial, to Pizzagate and QAnon, to the Jewish world conspiracy & conspiracy myths are experiencing a boom. Providing seductive answers to complex questions, they penetrate everyday communications, especially in times of crisis, poisoning the climate of opinion with their friend&foe images and thus endangering democratic coexistence. This volume provides teachers with basic knowledge about the phenomenon of conspiracy myths. In the theoretical part, central terms are explained, historical references are made and explanatory approaches, mechanisms of action and empirical findings are presented. The practical part of the book describes sensitization, basic knowledge and lesson planning as the three building blocks for dealing with conspiracy myths.

Produktnummer 97831704124602
EAN 9783170412460
Verlag Kohlhammer
Autor Schubarth, Wilfried
Produktform Softcover
Sprachen Deutsch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 03.11.2021
Seiten 207
Maße Breite 140 mm x Höhe 12 mm
Gewicht 0.28 kg