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Creatures made to Measure

Animals have always been accompanied people—whether as food, labor, or social companions. While the number of house pets and services for four-legged… Mehr

Autor: Caccavale, Elio

Verlag: Kerber Verlag

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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Animals have always been accompanied people—whether as food, labor, or social companions. While the number of house pets and services for four-legged animals are growing every year, “real” animals are increasingly disappearing from view. Today, animals can be optimized almost entirely based on the ideas of people: they are created in the laboratory, bred as organ donors, and their flesh grown in petri dishes. How are common perceptions of animals changing as a result? The designers and artists in the publication go on a search for the “right degree” in designing such creatures. They therefore run through the possibilities of the human-animal relationship and simultaneously through design scenarios for a different future. Artists: Martin Avila, BLESS, Melanie Bonajo, The Center for Genomic Gastronomy, Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell, Center for PostNatural History, Marcus Coates, Thalia de Jong, Aleksandra Domanovic, Konstantin Grcic, Christine Herdin/Katharina Wahl, Max Kosoric/Sanne Pawelzyk, Silvia Knüppel, Dietrich Luft, Christien Meindertsma, Next Nature Network, Ana Rajcevic, Veronica Ranner, Peter Schäfer, Johanna Schmeer, Susana Soares, Sputniko, ThreeASFOUR, Thomas Thwaites, Marije Vogelzang, Pinar Yoldas

Produktnummer 97837356060442
EAN 9783735606044
Verlag Kerber Verlag
Autor Caccavale, Elio
Produktform Softcover
Sprachen Englisch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 06.2019
Seiten 208
Maße Breite 124 mm x Höhe 16 mm
Gewicht 0.3 kg