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Technical systems are shaping our everyday more and more. The aim of Engineering psychology is, to enable a simple and pleasant handling of these sys… Mehr

Autor: Vollrath, Mark

Verlag: Kohlhammer

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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Technical systems are shaping our everyday more and more. The aim of Engineering psychology is, to enable a simple and pleasant handling of these systems. Based on the human processing of information, this textbook describes the main areas of applications and methods. Regarding the design of systems, the release of information (display, sound, language) and the operation are to be taken into consideration. Next to interactions between humans and computers, assistance and automation are presenting completely new challenges to the user, which should be noted.

Produktnummer 97831702262032
EAN 9783170226203
Verlag Kohlhammer
Autor Vollrath, Mark
Produktform Softcover
Sprachen Deutsch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 11.02.2015
Seiten 218
Maße Breite 114 mm x Höhe 17 mm
Gewicht 0.2 kg