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Sean Scully

The internationally renowned artist Sean Scully (*1945) is known above all for his abstract, expressively painted works. The artist creates large-for… Mehr

Autor: Spies, Werner

Verlag: Kerber Verlag

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

22,99 €*

38,00 € (39.5% gespart)

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The internationally renowned artist Sean Scully (*1945) is known above all for his abstract, expressively painted works. The artist creates large-format paintings with an intense application of color and rough brushstrokes; he often has checkered or striped patterns emerge, thus reproducing the aesthetic of geometric minimalism. In the planned exhibition at the Albertina, Sean Scully: Eleuthera, Sean Scully and his art will be shown from a much more private side. At the center of the exhibition is the “Eleuthera” series from the years 2016–17, in which Scully examines a very familiar topic. The series consists of twenty-five large-format oil paintings depicting Oisín, the artist’s seven-year-old son, playing on the beach of Eleuthera, an island in the Bahamas. The accompanying publication presents this new group of works for the first time.

Produktnummer 97837356056652
EAN 9783735605665
Verlag Kerber Verlag
Autor Spies, Werner
Produktform Hardcover
Sprachen Englisch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 07.2019
Seiten 160
Maße Breite 250 mm x Höhe 20 mm
Gewicht 1.138 kg