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Autodidaktik, Artistik, Medienpraktik

Since the late 18th century, thoughts on arts, crafts und sciences are inevitably thoughts on dilettantism as well. In literature this phenomenon is… Mehr

Autor: Kerscher, Julia

Verlag: V&R unipress

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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Since the late 18th century, thoughts on arts, crafts und sciences are inevitably thoughts on dilettantism as well. In literature this phenomenon is illustrated and reflected by certain techniques, which embody historically varying concepts of dilettantism. As an element of rethinking enlightenment and classicism, dilettantism in art is linked to autodidacticism in education. Within the context of colonialism and primitivism, dilettantism was recuperated as it was performed in the guise of circus arts and artistry. In postmodernism, dilettantism can be found either in obsolete ways of dealing with media or is used in technologies of the self.

Produktnummer 97838471058002
EAN 9783847105800
Verlag V&R unipress
Autor Kerscher, Julia
Produktform Hardcover
Sprachen Deutsch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 12.09.2016
Seiten 429
Maße Breite 162 mm x Höhe 28 mm
Gewicht 0.74 kg