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William Kentridge

William Kentridge superstar: The South African William Kentridge (*1955) is highly regarded internationally for his works, which he realizes with mas… Mehr

Autor: Ott, Michaela

Verlag: Kerber Verlag

Zustand: Mit Ecken und Kanten - ungelesenes Mängelexemplar

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William Kentridge superstar: The South African William Kentridge (*1955) is highly regarded internationally for his works, which he realizes with masterly ease. They combine the humoresque with the incidental and are always characterized by an engaged, critical stance. With the exhibition O Sentimental Machine, his works enter into further dialogue with the grand narratives of civilization based on the entire sculpture collection of the Liebieghaus, which spans 5,000 years. Kentridge understands how to subvert these narratives and simultaneously point out his own entanglements. The accompanying publication carries this historical and political moment forward in the format of a quasi-fictitious guide to the collection.

Produktnummer 97837356044912
EAN 9783735604491
Verlag Kerber Verlag
Autor Ott, Michaela
Produktform Softcover
Sprachen Englisch
Auflage 1
Erscheinungsdatum 05.2018
Seiten 288
Maße Breite 156 mm x Höhe 15 mm
Gewicht 1.02 kg